Mammoth Memory

Pollution – The presence of chemicals, noise, dirt or other substances which have harmful or poisonous effects on an environment

We all know what pollution is but remember it includes:

Dirty air (polluted air) from factories, diesel, construction dust and crop burning that cause lung cancer, heart disease and chest problems.

Dirty air (polluted air) from factories, diesel, construction dust and crop burning that cause lung cancer, heart disease and chest problems.

The presence of chemicals, noise, dirt or other substances which have harmful or poisonous effects on an environment

Noise pollution that cause hearing loss, sleep disturbance and noise annoyance.

Plastics pollution. Much of the planets oceans are swimming in discarded plastic that kill sea sea animals by suffocation. Micro plastics (less than 5mm in diameter) are being ingested by animals and entering human food cycles.

Plastics pollution. Much of the planets oceans are swimming in discarded plastic that kill sea animals by suffocation. Micro plastics (less than 5mm in diameter) are being ingested by animals and entering human food cycles.

Chemical pollution. The run off from crop fertilisation can get into river and the nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) will cause excessive algae growth and reduce oxygen levels for fish.

Chemical pollution. The run off from crop fertilisation can get into rivers and the nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) will cause excessive algae growth and reduce oxygen levels for fish.


Many countries have introduced laws to try to cut down on avoidable pollution and to encourage industries that are more sustainable. The laws are policed by environment agencies and enforced by the courts.

Pollution is broken down into two categories: primary and secondary.

Primary pollution is when people directly contaminate the earth. Examples of this are mercury, sulfur, and even carbon dioxide.

Secondary pollution is when one primary pollutant reacts with another, as well as with sunlight and water, to create a different pollutant. As an example, sulfur dioxide is a primary pollutant, but when it reacts with rain it becomes a secondary pollutant called acid rain.

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