Mammoth Memory

Congruency rules

Congruency rules are useful when dealing with triangles, as below. If two triangles fit one of the rules, then they are congruent.

The SSS rule is, if 3 sides are the same as the other triangles they are congruent known as SSS

If the three sides of one triangle have the same lengths as three sides of another, then they will be congruent.

The SAS rule is if 2 triangles have the same length as 2 sides of the other and the angle between the 2 sides are the same on both then they will be congruent

If two sides of one triangle have the same length as two sides of another, and the angle between the two sides is the same on both triangles, then they will be congruent.

The AAS rule is if 2 angles within both triangles are the same then they are both congruent

If two angles within one triangle are the same as two angles within another, and one of the sides matches in length on both triangles, then they will be congruent.

The RHS is if 2 right angle triangles have the same length of hypotenuse and one other side they will be congruent

If two right angle triangles have the same length hypotenuse and one other side, they will be congruent.

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