Converting percentages to decimals you must remember
This will then help you remember that
But knowing `1=100%` will also help you solve any inbetween percentages.
Example 1
Express `31%` as a decimal
to do this remember `1=100%`
and also read this in conjunction with the section on percentages.
Which states
- Write out what `100%` is
- Write out what we know
- Keep `%` on one side
- Put the divide sign in
1. Write out what `100%` is `100%=1`
2. Write out what we know `31%=x`
(Keep the `%` sign on the same side)
3. Put the divide sign in
Now work out what `x` is
Multiply by `x` on both sides to get `x` on its own.
Multiply both sides by `31%` to get `x` on its own.
Divide both sides by `100` to get `x` on its own.
Example 2
Convert `12.5%` to a decimal
1. Write out what `100%` is `100%=1`
2. Write out what we know `12½%=x`
(Keep the `%` sign on the same side)
3. Put the divide sign in
Now work out what `x` is
Multiply by `x` on both sides to get `x` on its own.
Multiply both sides by `12.5` to get `x` on its own.
Divide both sides by `100` to get `x` on its own.
Example 3
Convert `104%` to a decimal
1. Write out what `100%` is `100%=1`
2. Write out what we know `104%=x`
(Keep the `%` sign on the same side)
3. Put the divide sign in
Now work out what `x` is
Multiply by `x` on both sides to get `x` on its own.
Multiply both sides by `104` to get `x` on its own.
Divide both sides by `100` to get `x` on its own.
Example 4
Convert `0.5%` to a decimal
1. Write out what `100%` is `100%=1`
2. Write out what we know `0.5%=x`
(Keep the `%` sign on the same side)
3. Put the divide sign in
Now work out what `x` is
Multiply by `x` on both sides to get `x` on its own.
Multiply both sides by `0.5` to get `x` on its own.
Divide both sides by `100` to get `x` on its own.