Mammoth Memory

Fractions of an amount

This has to be read in conjunction with % because you tackle fractions in the same way i.e.

  1. Write out what `100%` is
  2. Write out what we know
  3. Keep `%` on one side
  4. Put the divide sign in


Example 1

What is `7/20`  of  `£340`?

1. Write out what `100%` is 

`20/20` (is `100%`) `=£340` 

2. Write out what we know


3. Keep `%` on one side (or in this case fractions)



4. Put the divide sign in


Simplify the equation



Multiply `x` on both sides to get `x` on its own.



Multiply `7` on both sides to get `x` on its own.



Divide both sides by `20` to get `x` on its own






Example 2

Increase `£240` by `1/7`

1. Write out what `100%` is 

`7/7` (is `100%`) `=£240` 

2. Write out what we know


3. Keep the `%` on one side (or in this case fractions)



4. Put the divide sign in


Now just work out the calculation by simplifying first



Multiply both sides by `x` to get `x` on its own



Multiply both sides by `8` to get `x` on its own



Divide both sides by `7` to get `x` on its own




Answer: Increase `£240` by `1/7` is `£274.28`



Example 3

What is `1/7` of `28`

1. Write out what `100%` is 

`7/7` (is `100%`) `=28` 

2. Write out what we know


3. Keep `%` on one side (or in this case fractions)



4. Put the divide sign in





Multiply by `x` to get `x` on its own



Divide both sides by `7` to get `x` on its own.





Answer: `1/7` of `28` is `4`


Example 4

What is `37/41` of `£126.42`

1. Write out what `100%` is 

`41/41` (is `100%`) `=£126.42`  

2. Write out what we know


3. Keep `%` on one side (or in this case fractions)



4. Put the divide sign in





Multiply by `x` to get `x` on its own



Multiply both sides by `37` to get `x` on its own



Divide both sides by `41` to get `x` on its own





Answer: `37/41` of `£126.42` is `£114.08`




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