Bass Clef (f clef)– How do we remember what the bass clef looks like?
The bass clef is also known as the F clef.
We at Mammoth Memory remember this by:
Think of the double bass (bass clef) being played by a frog (F clef).
Base clef = F clef
Now we know that the bass clef is also known as the F clef, it helps us draw the bass clef (or F clef) because:
One dot is on the F note line and two dots are either side of the F note line.
So this helps you draw the bass clef:
Draw three dots on the bass staves, one on the F note line and two either side of the F note line.
Start at the dot on the line and draw an ear-shaped curve up to the line above and down until it passes between the bottom two lines.