Treble Clef (g clef)– How do we remember what the treble clef looks like?
The treble clef is also known as the G-clef. We at Mammoth Memory remember this by:
Think of treble (treble clef) trouble. Treble the trouble to draw than the bass clef. Treble the amount of curves than the bass clef.
You may have heard of the three wise monkeys – 'see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil'. Instead of simple monkeys, we at Mammoth Memory imagine 'three (treble) wise gorillas' – because the treble clef is also known as the G (gorilla) clef.
Treble clef = G clef
Now we know that the treble clef is also known as the G clef, it helps us draw the treble clef (or g clef) because:
The upper loop circles the high G note and the lower swirl circles the G note on the second line from the bottom.
So this helps you draw the treble clef:
Draw two very faint circles, one above the other, where the G notes are. You can now use these circles to form the basis of the loop and a swirl.
This is the start of the treble clef.
We can finish off the treble clef by dropping the loop through the swirl and giving it a final hook and dot.