How do you work out time signatures?
Time signatures tell you what kind of note and how many of these notes would fill between each of the bars.
Time signatures should be split and read as:
44 = 4 N° × 14 notes.
That is 4 crotchets (or quarter notes) in a bar.
24 = 2 N° × 14 notes.
That is 2 crotchets (or quarter notes) in a bar.
98 = 9 N° × 18 notes.
That is 9 quavers (or eighth notes) in a bar.
42 = 4 N° × 12 notes.
That is 4 minims (or half notes) in a bar.
31 = 3 N° × whole notes.
That is 3 semibreves (or whole notes) in a bar.