What is a semibreve, minim, crotchet, quaver and semiquaver?
I semibreve is what Americans call a whole note and lasts for four crotchets ( or 14 notes).
That means we count to four whilst holding the note.
A minim is what Americans call a half note and lasts for two crotchets ( or 14 notes).
That means when we play a minim we count to two whilst holding the note.
A crotchet is what Americans call a quarter note.
When we play a crotchet we count to one whilst holding the note.
A quaver is what Americans call the eighth note and lasts for half a crotchet (or 14 note).
That means when we play a quaver we count to a half.
A semiquaver is what Americans call a sixteenth note and lasts for a quarter of a crotchet (or 14 note).
That means when we play a semiquaver we count to a quarter.