Mammoth Memory

Inequalities and integers

Integer – a number which is not a fraction; a whole number

If you are asked for all the possible answers of `n` in:


Where `n` is an integer,

Then this is asking you to write down all the possible whole numbers between `-1`  and `4`, including `-1`  and `4`.



1.  Write down all the possible answers to


Where `n` is an integer

Answer: `-1, 0, 1, 2, 3`  and `4`


2.  Write down all the possible answers to


Where `n` is an integer

Answer:  `0, 1, 2`  and `3`


We have not included `-1`  and `4`


3.  Write down all the integers that satisfy:


Answer: `-15`  and `-14`


4.  Write down all the integers that satisfy:


Answer: `-13,-12`  and `-11`

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