Mammoth Memory

Three-part inequalities on a number line

For an expression like


Split this into two i.e.




`-1<=x`  this reads as `-1`  is less than or equal to `x`

 `x<5` this reads `x` is less than `5`

These can be shown on a number line as

Numbers in the sum show the beginning and end of the inequalities range

Or as:

You can draw it without the arrow too 

i.e. without an arrow.


Example 1

Write down the inequality shown in the diagram below:

In this example -5 and 5 are the 2 subjects in the sum including x so -5 and 5 make the range along the number line

Because `x` is the line between the two circles this can be read as:

The ring above `-5`  shows that `-5`  is less than `x`


The ring above `+5`  shows that `x` is less than `5`


Joining the two together





Example 2

Write down the inequality shown in the diagram below:

in this example -4 is not less than x but is also less than 3

Because `x` is the line between the two inequalities this can be read as

The ring above `-4`  shows that `-4`  is less than `x`


The circle above the `3`  shows that `x` is less than or equal to `3`


Joining the two together




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