Water Stress – occurs when the demand for water exceeds the available amount during a certain period or when poor quality restricts its use
To remember the meaning of the term Water Stress, use the following mnemonic:
The water was under stress (water stress) from all sides. There was not enough available for everyone at all times.
Water stress is a huge problem – a report by the World Resources Institute in 2019 stated that a quarter of the world's population was living in areas of extremely high water stress.
Water stress can be caused by drought, deforestation, flooding, climate change, increased water pollution, wasteful use and overpopulation.
Twelve of the 17 countries at highest risk of water stress are in the Middle East and North Africa.
While it is true that water stress occurs in many low-income countries (LICs), it is also a problem for a number of high-income countries (HICs). For instance, Israel is ranked as one of the most water-stressed countries, having suffered a chronic water shortage for years.
When demand for water gets close to exceeding supply, even short dry spells – which experts say are set to increase because of the climate crisis – can produce dire consequences.