Mammoth Memory

How do you know?

Divide the internal angles of a shape by 360, if it equals a whole number it will tessellate

If you can divide `360^@` exactly by an inside angle of a regular shape and get a whole number it can form a tessellation pattern.


 The internal angles of a triangle divided by 360 makes 6, this is a whole number so triangles will tessellate



(6 is a whole number)


6 therefore this triangle can form a tessellation.


The internal angles of a square divided by 360 makes 4 this a whole number meaning it will tessellate


(4 is a whole number) 


A square can form a tessellation.


The internal angles of a pentagon divided by 360 makes 3.33, this is not a whole number meaning it will not tessellate 


(3.33 is NOT a whole number)


A pentagon can NOT form a tessellation.


The internal angles of a hexagon divided by 360 makes 3, this is a whole number meaning it will tessellate 



A hexagon can be tessellated.

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