Further roots
Further roots to explain `x^(a/b)`
Always split the power into a root and a power.
`x^(a/b)=x^((a\ \m\u\l\t\i\p\l\i\e\d\ \by\ \1/b))=(x^a)^(1/b)=rootb(x^a)`
`x^(a/b)=x^((1/b\ \m\u\l\t\i\p\l\i\e\d\ \by\ \a))=(x^(1/b))^a=(rootbx)^a`
Just remember:
Example 1
What is `10^(2/10)` ?
`10^(2/10) =(\root10\10)^2` and reads as
Work out what we multiply by itself `10` times to get `10`, then multiply the answer by itself `2` times.
In this example
The number we multiply by itself `10` times to get `10=1.259` (to find this see logarithms)
Then multiply `1.259` by itself `2` times.
So `10^(2/10)=1.585`
Example 2
Break any fraction up and use simple numbers
This can be rewritten as
This is worded as multiply `8` by itself `2` times, then workout what we multiply by itself `3` times to get this answer. The answer is `4`.
Or (working either way)
This is worded as: work out what we multiply by itself `3` times to get `8`, then multiply the answer by itself `2` times.
So `8^(2/3)=(root3\8)^2`
Example 3
Simplify `root4\(x^4)`
As follows:
`root4\(x^4)` is the same as `x^(4/4)`
Therefore `x^1`
Answer: The simplification of `root4\(x^4)=x`
Example 4
What is `27^(4/3)` ?
Or we could do
The answer is the same but in this case the second calculation was much easier.