Mammoth Memory

Walking Bass – Is a set of notes of a lower register played on each beat of the bar, usually with a repetitive melodic pattern

(Pronounced waw-king beys)

To remember what walking bass means, use the following mnemonic:

The walking bass (walking bass) made a sound every time it took a step. Which made it a very repetitive beat and being a bass very deep sound

The walking bass (walking bass) made a sound every time it took a step.

In piano, the walking bass would normally be played by the left hand. Walking bass lines are usually played with equal value and intensity. 

The walking bass line's main goal is to outline the chord progression of the song and as a pulse on which the rest of the music rests.

Examples of walking bass in a sentence

Walking bass was used in the blues song. 

Playing walking bass smoothly is difficult. 

I maintained a walking bass on piano with my left hand. 

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