Mammoth Memory

Consonance - words with the same consonant sound anywhere

Consonance is the use of similar-sounding consonants anywhere in the words, and gives pleasing sounds to sentences.

To remember, consider this:

Consonance is the use of similar-sounding consonants anywhere in the words, and gives pleasing sounds to sentences. 

Typically, the repetition of the sound occurs at the end of the words, but may also be found within a word, or at the beginning.



Slither and slather.


My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. – John F. Kennedy


What’s the difference between consonance and alliteration?

Alliteration is similar initial consonant sound – i.e., the similar sounds are always at the start of words. Consonance is similar consonant sound anywhere in words.

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