Surface area of a sphere
The formula for the surface area of a sphere is:
We know that the area of a circle is:
Area = πr2
So what this is saying is that the surface area of a sphere is 4 of these.
So the certain way for you to ensure you never ever forget the surface area of a sphere is to carry out the orange experiment.
The orange experiment
The orange experiment is as follows:
Stage 1 – Take an orange
Stage 2 – Cut the orange in half
Stage 3 – Using one half of the orange draw four circles around it on a piece of paper.
Stage 4 – Now peel the orange and place the pieces in each of the circles
Now you can see that, Yes! The surface area of an orange or any sphere really does cover four drawn out circles.
And therefore
Surface area of a sphere = 4×Area of the circle
Surface area of a sphere = 4 πr2
Try it on the kitchen table now!