Mammoth Memory

Damien Hirst (born 1965) – Famous for preserving animals in formaldehyde in glass showcases 

(Pronounced day-mee-uhn hurst)

Hirst – burst onto the scene taking animal bodies from their hearse

The day they put me on (Damien) show in art museums, I burst onto the scene taking animal bodies from their hearse (Hirst) and popping them into a glass showcase full of formaldehyde (liquid preserver).

The day they put me on (Damien) show in art museums. I burst onto the scene taking animal bodies from their hearse (Hirst) and popping them into a glass show case full of formaldehyde (liquid preserver).

Damien Hirst is preoccupied with life and death. He became famous for a series of artworks in which dead animals are preserved in formaldehyde. 

Damien Hirst is preoccupied about life and death. He became famous for a series of artworks in which dead animals are preserved in formaldehyde. 

He also became famous for a series of "spot paintings" in large installations. These are randomly coloured circles usually spaced equally apart.

He also became famous for a series of "spot paintings" in large installation. These are randomly coloured circles usually spaced equally apart.

He also had a period creating "spin paintings". Canvases are placed on a rotating turntable and then paint is poured and dripped onto the spinning surface.

He also had a period creating "spin paintings". Canvases are placed on a rotating turntable and then pouring and dripping paint on to the spinning surface.

Nobody before had created: Preserved animals in formaldehyde as art

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