Henri Matisse Art Project 1
Henri Matisse had many different art styles, but he is known for his cut-out paper collages.
His collages were so varied and different, there is no real right or wrong way to create one. However, notice how he uses rectangles and triangles as background shapes, then uses more organic shapes in the foreground.
Matisse was very interested in animals and nature, so why not add something that represents your favourite plant or animal?
You will need several pieces of different coloured card. You can plan your shapes by sketching out a basic design, then cutting out shapes that will fit, or sketch onto the coloured card, or cut out random shapes and see how they fit together afterwards. Matisse didn't stick to the natural colours of things, so instead of just using green for the leaves and orange for the fox, try making a purple fox and orange and blue leaves!
Once you have finished making your shapes, arrange them on another piece of card.
When you are happy with your composition, stick the shapes on and admire your work!
Henri Matisse.
Henri Matisse Art Project 2
In a similar way to how you completed the project above, use scissors to cut out organic, leafy shapes from coloured card. The shapes should all be similar, with two or three variations, but none of them should be exactly the same.
Once you are happy with your shapes, arrange them on a large white piece of card and stick them down.
Henri Matisse.
Henri Matisse Art Project 3
Henri Matisse didn't just cut out card, he also painted! In this project, we'll create something similar to "The Cat with Red Fish".
Start by sketching the rough outline onto your canvas.
Next, use yellow paint to block in the cat, the lemons and any other yellow part of the painting.
Add a little orange to the body, left side of the head and window frame and some green to the cat to represent the shading. Fill in the grass and hill in the background.
Use orange and red to paint the fish and the walls. Pay close attention to where the other colours will go, making sure to leave a white space for them.
Fill in the rest of the colours of the background and foreground.
Finally, go over all the edges with thick black lines.
Henri Matisse.