Mammoth English Index
- A
- A - Aurora
- Acronyms (initials), numbers and dates
- Acrostic poem
- Active voice is preferred
- Adage
- Adjective
- Adverb 1
- Adverb 2
- Adverb 3
- Alliteration
- Allusion
- Amphibrachic
- Amphibrachic dimeter
- Amphibrachic heptameter and amphibrachic octameter
- Amphibrachic monometer
- Amphibrachic pentameter
- Amphibrachic tetrameter
- Amphibrachic trimeter
- Analogy
- Anapestic
- Anapestic heptameter
- Anapestic hexameter
- Anapestic octameter
- Anapestic pentameter
- Anapestic tetrameter
- Anapestic trimeter
- Anaphor
- Anecdote
- Another example
- Answering the question
- Answering the question - 2
- Answering the question: Example 1
- Answering the question: Example 2
- Answering the question: Example 3
- Anthropomorphism
- Apostrophe
- Apostrophes and pronouns
- Apostrophes that show omission
- Apostrophes that show possession
- Army of Frogs
- Article
- Assonance
- B
- B - Bale
- Band of Gorillas
- Blank verse - no rhyme
- C
- C - Caravan
- Change of stress
- Chronological
- Cliche
- Collective Nouns Introduction
- Colon - indicates added detail/gives explanation
- Comma - the two difficult meanings
- Comma - two easy meanings
- Conjunction 1
- Conjunction 2
- Consonance
- D
- D - Down
- Dactylic
- Dactylic dimeter
- Dactylic heptameter
- Dactylic hexameter
- Dactylic monometer
- Dactylic octameter
- Dactylic pentameter
- Dactylic tetrameter
- Dactylic trimeter
- Don't use an apostrophe to make a plural
- E
- E - Embarrassment
- Effects of presentational features
- Emotive language
- Euphemism
- Example 1 - funeral blues
- Example 2 - leisure
- Example 3 - Sonnet 18
- Example 4 - I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
- F
- F - Fluther
- Features and effects
- Figurative
- First, second and third person
- Flash Cards
- Flight of Dragons
- Foot - one unit of stressed and/or unstressed syllables
- Form/structure
- Free verse
- Further examples
- G
- G - Generation
- Going one stage further
- Grammar - the rules of English
- H
- H - Hover
- Haiku
- Headline
- Hear word stress
- Here's how to do it
- Homographs
- Homonyms
- Homophones
- Homophones, homographs and homonyms
- How many syllables?
- How to learn poems - mnemonics
- How to recognise future tense
- How to recognise past tense
- How to recognise present tense
- How to recognise tenses
- How to remember the list of effects
- Hyperbole
- Hyphen - prevents confusion and means "to"
- I
- I - Implausibility
- Iambic
- Iambic dimeter
- Iambic heptameter
- Iambic hexameter
- Iambic monometer
- Iambic octameter
- Iambic pentameter
- Iambic pentameter - Shakespeare
- Iambic tetrameter
- Iambic trimeter
- Idiom
- Imperative
- Interjection
- Introduction to language and presentational features
- Irony
- J
- J - Journey
- K
- K - Kaleidoscope
- K or C rule
- L
- L - Leap
- Limerick
- Linking presentational features and effects
- M
- M - Murder
- Make three lists
- Making Better Mnemonics
- Malapropism
- Match effects with features
- Metaphor
- Metre - number of feet in a line of poetry
- Mood
- More examples - 1
- More examples - 2
- More examples - 3
- N
- N - Nest
- Nest of Mice
- Noun
- O
- O - Ostentation
- Onomatopoeia
- Oxymoron
- P
- P - Pandemonium
- Parenthesis - bracketed information
- Passive and active voice
- Past, present and future tenses
- Pathetic Fallacy
- Pathos
- Personification
- Persuasion
- Plural nouns that do not end in "S"
- Preposition
- Presentational features and their effects
- Pretending
- Pronoun
- Proper nouns and common nouns
- Pun
- Pyrrhic
- Pyrrhic monometer
- Q
- Q - Quiver
- R
- R - Raft
- Remembering the list of language features
- Remembering the presentational features
- Remember the pronoun for first person
- Remember the pronouns for second person
- Remember the pronouns for the third person
- Rhetoric
- Rhetorical question
- S
- S - Shiver
- Sarcasm
- Satire
- Search for four things
- Semicolon - between a comma and a full stop
- Sentence
- Simile
- Slang
- Sonnet
- Sound
- Speech
- Spelling explanation
- Spelling words with double letters rule
- Spondaic
- Spotting presentational features
- Stanza
- Stress
- Stress length
- Synonym
- Syntax
- T
- T - Troubling
- Tagline
- Tenses and aspects – Example 1
- Tenses and aspects – Example 2
- Tenses and aspects – Example 3
- The effects of language features
- The effects of tenses
- The four aspects of tenses
- The Greek number system
- Their and there
- Theme
- The nine parts of speech
- Tone
- Traditional passive and active
- Triplet
- Trochaic
- Trochaic dimeter
- Trochaic hexameter
- Trochaic monometer
- Trochaic pentameter
- Trochaic tetrameter
- Trochaic trimeter
- Types of effects
- Types of feet
- U
- U - Unkindness
- Understanding tenses
- unstressed
- V
- V - Venom
- Verb
- Verse
- Vocabulary explanation
- Vocabulary Test
- W
- W - Watch
- What is "font size"?
- What is a font?
- What is serif and sans serif?
- What typeface to use?
- Who's and whose
- Why you learn poems
- Word List
- Word List
- X
- X - Exultation
- Y
- Y - Yoke
- Z
- Z - Zeal