Mammoth Biology Index
- Misc
- -zygous
- A
- Abdominal
- Abiotic
- Acquired characteristics
- Active transport
- Adam's apple
- Adaptations
- Adductors
- Advantages and disadvantages of haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis
- Aerobic Respiration
- After the tubule
- Agonist Muscle and Antagonist Muscle
- Air
- Alimentary Canal
- Allele - One letter
- All in a days work
- Alveolus
- Amino acid
- Anaerobic Respiration
- Anatomical adaptations
- Anatomy and eidonomy
- Annelids
- Antagonistic muscles
- Antagonist Muscles
- Antibiotic
- Antigen
- Anus
- Arachnids
- Arteries
- Arthropods
- Artificial
- Artificial
- Artificial selection
- Atrioventricular valves
- Autoimmunity
- Autonomic system
- Auxin
- Axon
- Axon terminal
- B
- Bacteria and viruses
- Balancing the symbol formula for photosynthesis
- Barriers to disease
- Biceps and triceps
- Bile and fats
- Bile and gallbladder
- Binocular vision
- Bio
- Biodiversity
- Biomass
- Biome
- Biosphere
- Biotic
- Blind spot
- Blood flow direction
- Blood flow in the pulmonary system
- Blood flow through the kidneys
- Blood pressure
- Bony and cartilaginous fish
- Bony fish
- Bronch - branches
- Bronchial, bronchus, bronchi and bronchiole
- C
- Calculating magnification and sizes of specimens
- Calf Muscles
- Canine
- Carbohydrates
- Carnivore - Meat eater
- Cartilaginous fish - slits and sharks
- Categorising spores
- Cells
- Cervical vertebrae
- Chloroplasts
- Chromosomes - Long strand of DNA
- Ciliary muscles
- Classification
- Classification should reflect evolutionary relationships
- Clavicle
- Climate
- Co-evolution
- Coccyx
- Coelenterates
- Commensalism
- Community - Living things in one place
- Competition
- Cones
- Conjunctiva
- Conservation
- Consumer
- Continuous variation
- Coordination and response
- Cornea
- Crustaceans
- Culture
- D
- Decomposer
- Deficiency diseases
- Deltoid
- Dendrites
- Detailed process of flower fertilisation
- Dialysate
- Dialysis
- Diastole
- Dichotomous key for plants
- Dichotomous Keys
- Difference between DNA and mRNA
- Difference Between Plant and Animal Cells (Method 2)
- Differences between moncots and dicots
- Diffusion
- Diffusion in biology
- Digestion
- Digestion - in the mouth
- Digestion - in the stomach
- Digestion in the small intestine
- Diploid - Two set of chromosomes
- Diploid vs haploid
- Discontinuous variation
- Diseases and immunity
- Dissociation = molecules that have split apart
- DNA "Barcoding"
- DNA - Double helix
- DNA - Long double helix strand
- DNA base sequencing
- DNA helps make messenger RNA (mRNA)
- DNA Hybridisation
- DNA in cells
- DNA technology vs traditional classification methods
- Dominant allele and recessive allele
- E
- Ear receptors
- Echinoderms
- Ecology - The study of habitat and community
- Ecosystem - A self sustaining habitat and community
- Effectors
- Electrolytes in the body
- Endoskeletons and exoskeletons
- Energy flow
- Environment - Surroundings
- Environmental factors - Surrounding influences
- Epiglottis
- Erector Spinae
- Example: Carbohydrate digestion
- Example: Fat (lipid) digestion
- Example: Protein digestion
- Examples of active transport
- Examples of binomial names
- Examples of dichotomous keys
- Examples of dicotyledons
- Examples of monocotyledons
- Examples of osmosis
- Examples of plants that make spores
- Examples of vertebrates
- Excretion
- Exoskeletons and chitin
- Extinction - Eradication
- Extremophiles
- Eye receptors
- F
- Fats
- Femur
- Fermentation is Anaerobic Respiration
- Fertilisation: sperm and egg fuse
- Fertilisation of flowers
- Fibula
- Fitness
- Flowering plants
- Flowers
- Food chain
- Food tests
- Food web
- Fovea
- Frontalis
- Fungi and Yeast Respiration
- Further predictions
- G
- Gallbladder
- Gamets = sex cells
- Generalists
- Genes (Segment of DNA) Made up of nucleotides
- Genes A segment of DNA
- Genetic diseases
- Genetic variation
- Genome
- Genotype - Two letters
- Geotropism
- Gluteal Muscles
- Gregor Mendel
- Growth
- H
- Habitat - Place
- Haemodialysis
- Hamstring
- Haploid - One set of chromosomes
- Heart Chambers
- Herbivore - Plant eater
- Heritable variations
- Homeotherm (warm-blooded)
- Homo vs hetero
- Host and parasite
- How haemodialysis works
- How peritoneal dialysis works
- How plants are categorised
- How to identify arthropods
- How to remember the symbol formula for glucose
- Humerus
- Hygiene
- I
- Immune system
- Immunity
- Impulse
- Infant mortality rate
- Insect and wind pollinated flowers
- Inside a living Cell
- Inter
- Intercostal muscles
- Interspecific competition
- Intra
- Intraspecific competition
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Invertebrates
- Involuntary action
- Iris
- J
- James Watson and Francis Crick
- K
- Kidney disease
- Kidneys
- Kidneys clean the blood
- Kidney size and position
- Kidney transplants
- Know your valves
- L
- Large intestine
- Larynx
- Latissimus Dorsi
- Lens
- Lens shape
- Life expectancy
- Ligaments
- Light
- Limiting factors
- Liver
- Long sighted
- Lumbar vertebrae
- M
- Male or Female
- Masseter
- Meiosis
- Meiosis and mitosis
- Metacarpals
- Metatarsals
- Mitochondria
- Mitosis
- Molars
- Molluscs
- Monocots and dicots - Stem vascular bundles
- Monocots and dicots - the leaf
- Monocular vision
- More information about rods and cones
- Mortality rate
- Motor neurone disease
- Mouth and spit
- Movement
- Multiple sclerosis (MS)
- Mutation
- Mutations and inherited diseases
- Mutualism
- Myelin sheath
- Myriapods
- N
- Naming the valves
- Natural selection
- Nematodes
- Nephrons
- Nerve
- Neurone overview
- Neurons/neurones
- Neurotransmitter
- Neutralisation
- Niche
- Nodes of Ranvier
- Nucleotides - Made up of phosphate, sugar and base
- Nucleus
- Nutrition
- O
- Oblique
- Oesophagus
- Olfactory bulb
- Ology the study of
- Omnivore
- Optic nerve
- Optic nerve
- Osmosis
- Other tropisms
- Other ways of categorising vertebrates
- Ovary - fruit
- Oviparous
- P
- Pancreas
- Patella
- Pathogens
- Pectoral Muscles
- Pelvic girdle
- Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
- Peritoneal dialysis
- Peritubular capillaries
- Phalanges
- Phenotype = Outcome letter
- Phenotypic variation
- Phosphate, base and sugar
- Photosynthesis and respiration
- Phototropism
- Phylogenic tree
- Physiological disease
- Plant cell have a couple more things
- Plant stems
- Plants that make seeds
- Plant transportation - Phloem
- Plant transportation - Xylem
- Poikilotherm (cold-blooded)
- Pollen grows a pollen tube
- Pollen is transferred to the stigma
- Population size
- Positive and negative tropism
- Predator & Prey
- Premolars
- Primary
- Primary Consumer
- Process of digestion
- Producer
- Protein
- Protein comparison
- Protein formation
- Proteins
- Pupil
- Pupil dilation
- Pupil reflex
- Q
- Quadriceps
- R
- Radius vs ulna
- Receptor molecules (or dendritic receptors)
- Rectum
- Reflex action
- Reflex arc
- Remember - Deoxyribonucleic acid
- Remember: mRNA pairs with DNA by replacing T bases with U bases
- Remember Formula Aerobic Respiration
- Remembering all of the bones in the spine
- Remembering DNA base pairings
- Remembering meiosis
- Remembering mitosis
- Remembering the DNA bases
- Remembering the kingdoms
- Remembering the main Invertebrate Types
- Remember the five classes of vertebrates 1
- Remember the five classes of vertebrates 2
- Remember the ordering of ranks 1
- Remember the ordering of ranks 2
- Reproduction
- Reproduction rate
- Respiration
- Response
- Results of new methods of testing
- Retina
- Ribosomes
- Rods
- Rods and cones
- S
- Sacrum
- Scapula
- Scavenger - Corpse eater
- Sclera
- Secondary
- Secondary consumer
- Seed categorisation
- Seed dispersal
- Semilunar valves
- Sense organ receptors
- Sensitivity
- Sepal
- Sex chromosomes
- Short sighted
- Skin receptors
- Small intestine
- Soil
- Somatic system
- Specialists
- Species
- Stamen
- Sternum
- Stomach
- Summary: Photosynthesis and respiration
- Summary of living things
- Summary of Plants
- Summary of tubule to bladder story
- Synapse
- Synaptic vesicle
- Systole
- T
- Tarsals
- Taste receptors
- Taxonomy
- Taxonomy based on DNA
- Teeth
- Teeth summary
- Tendons
- Teres Major
- Territory - Defended area
- Tertiary
- Tertiary consumer
- The alimentary canal points to remember
- The alimentary canal summary
- The anther produces pollen
- The binomial system
- The carpals
- The central nervous system (CNS)
- The characteristics of living things
- The diaphragm
- The ear
- The eye
- The fins on a fish
- The five kingdoms
- The Heart
- The hilum is the kidney's gateway
- The human nervous system
- The Liver - the highwayman's story
- The main groups of arthropods
- The main invertebrate groups
- The main parts of a cell
- The pollen germinates
- The pollen nucleus with the egg in the ovule
- The pollen tube extends
- The pollen tube grows through the style
- The pulmonary system
- The punnet square
- The radius
- The sciatic nerve
- The speed of nerve impulses
- The structure of the tooth
- The trachea - the wind pipe
- The ulna
- Thoracic vertebrae
- Thorax
- Three types of neurone
- Tibia
- To remember photosynthesis makes glucose
- To remember respiration uses glucose
- Toxin
- Traditional methods - Limitations
- Transmissible disease
- Trapezius
- tRNA - 3 permanent bases and amino acid
- Trophic - Nutrition
- Trophic levels
- Tropism in plants
- Tubular secretion
- Tubules
- V
- Vaccination
- Vacuole
- Veins
- Veins have valves
- Vertebrates
- Viviparous
- Voluntary action
- W
- Water
- What's in a cell?
- What's inside a kidney?
- What a nephron looks like up close
- What is a spore?
- What isn't an organelle?
- What is the difference between carpels and pistils
- What kidneys look like
- Where are the bicuspid and tricuspid?
- Why binomial names are in Latin
- Wisdom teeth
- Z
- Zygote